Analog over digital
July 22, 2020
Analog vs digital hearing aids : equivalence confirmed !

An independent study was conducted in 2011 at the “Hörzentrum Oldenburg” (Hearing Center Oldenburg) in Germany to compare Lyric, a modern extended wear analog hearing aid, with digital hearing aids....

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January 16, 2020
Audiology’s future: services-centered?

New patients profiles For decades, all audiologists have been selling hearing aids in combination with their hearing services as a hearing care professional providing audiological procedures. This “all-inclusive” system is...

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December 3, 2019
How are our ears linked to the health of the entire body ?

In this article, I want to describe more than 10 points that connect ears to our health. Naturally, all of them have been scientifically demonstrated. The good news comes with...

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November 10, 2019
Hearing Aid, OTC Hearing Aid, Self‐Fit OTC Hearing Devices or PSAP ?

Guideline based on FDA's informations for the Over-The-Counter Market. What are hearing aids ? Hearing aids are sound-amplifying devices designed to aid people who have a hearing impairment. They are...

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October 10, 2019
Hearing impaired from countries with tonal languages

" Your most dissatisfied customers are your greatest source of learning. "Bill Gates There is no inherent reason why the vocal output of an English speaker should be any different...

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September 30, 2019
Hearing aid : Digital or Analog ? And why not both ?

"I do not oppose analog and digital amplification. I just think that both have their place in audiology."Michel MATHIEUFrenchEar CEO & Founder Hearing aid manufacturers have always claimed that digital...

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September 16, 2019
The Truth : Digital vs Analog Hearing Aid.

« Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect » Mark Twain It is so easy to write pages and pages...

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